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CARE Board Minutes: March 18, 2011

Chabot-Las Positas Association of
Retired Employees

Board Meeting
March 18, 2011
San Ramon Country Club

Board members present: Richard Albert, Linda Barde, Helen Bridge, Gay Connor, Esther Goldberg, Norma Kernes, JoAnne Neu, Don Nilson, Isabel Polvorosa, Sophie Rheinheimer, Chet Rhoan, Sharon Trethan, Bill Threlfall, and Bob Wiseman.

Absent: Clyde Allen, Rachel Maldonado Aziminia, Heidi Spearer, Emeritus Directors Art Larson and John McKinley.

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 11:00 a.m.by President Linda Barde.

Approval of Minutes: Minutes of the January 22, 2011 meeting as submitted by Lettie Camp, were approved.

A. Newsletter: Bill distributed copies of a table showing proposed assignments for the June Newsletter, along with names of responsible board members. He reminded the group that two newsletters will be published each year, and commented on plans to standardize items retirees may expect to see on a regular basis. It was suggested that information on the CARE Fund Special Projects Grant Program and data on retirees be included in the newsletter. Helen asked also that updates on the History Project be included. A question arose about the need to ascertain the print shop timeframe so as to avoid conflicting with finals week at Chabot College. Bill requested that newsletter items be submitted to him by May 1.

B. Treasurer: Sharon distributed copies of the Treasurer's Report. She noted that CARE's contract for lunches at the reunion was 80. Twelve retirees paid for the event, but did not attend. She mentioned that there was a lot of illness this year and made the point that a number of individuals indicated their intention to attend and pay upon arrival, but did not show. These retirees were included in the count provided to the Country Club. She indicated that in the future such individuals will not be included in the count. Gay reminded the group that the contract can be changed over the telephone as necessary.

C. Webmaster: Bill shared a copy of his report showing visitors to the Web Site since the 9/24/2010 Board meeting, with the Directory, History, and Online Newsletters being the most viewed. He noted that the Directory now has about 160 participants.

D. CARE Fund: In Clyde's absence (he is attending Chancellor's Luncheon today), President Barde advised that the general concept of the Special Projects Grant Program has been decided upon, but work is still being done on it. Copies of a list of recommendations to CARE Board were distributed.

E. Activities: Gay noted that she was unable to attend the reunion due to illness, but advised that the reunion date for 2012 is set for January 21, 2012. The contract has been signed and down payment has been submitted.

Linda shared her impressions of the 2011 reunion, saying that a few new people attended and that the pictures and presentation of nicer prizes were good. Having a "runner" to present prizes worked well. Don was complimented on the quality of the slide show.

F. Chabot Liaison: Norma reported that she met briefly with Karen Silva who gave her copies of the Hot Sheet and other documents to share.

Norma informed the board that she was resigning her position as Chabot Liaison person for personal and health reasons.

Norma gave Bill information she had collected on Anthony Chabot and others who played parts in local history that could be used as filler items for newsletters. She also passed along tickets and labels for use at the next reunion.

Linda expressed regret and stated that Norma would be missed on the Board.

A MOTION was made and seconded that Isobel Polvorosa will assume the position of Liaison for Chabot College.

G. District Liaison:  Sharon has indicated that she will make an appointment with the Chancellor to go over a couple of issues that retirees have brought to her attention.

Sharon will also ask for a list of the Chancellor's Award recipients and indicated that she needs a connection or direct line with LPC. Bill said he had been assigned to read recipients of Buffington Awards at the reunion. After consultation with Helen Bridge, he elected not to continue this practice because the Buffington award was exclusively for faculty, with no comparable recognition for classified or administrative staff. Discussion about more balanced recognition followed with some consensus about reading names of the Chancellor's Award recipients present at the reunion event. Also, mention was made of the fact that two members of the Classified staff have received Carlson Awards.

H. Las Positas Liaison: Sophie spoke about changes in leadership LPC and how these affect communications. She said she is one of the founding faculty and will try to get as much information out as possible. At this time there is no news about a new president. Also, the Vice President positions will continue through Fall 2011. The Dean of Arts and Communications will retire and the college will have an interim dean.

Sophie discussed the building and construction taking place at the college and mentioned the groundbreaking scheduled for next Friday at 11:00 a.m.

A suggestion was made to involve Jennifer Adams, Secretary, President's Office, in disseminating information to the District and CARE. Sophie will give her attention to this proposal and will try to get as much information out as possible.

I. Directors at Large:

    History Project -- Helen said that contacts who may contribute items for this project are Dennis Chowenhill and Carol Markos. In addition, she will contact Barry Schrader, former member of the Board of Trustees.

    Slide Project: Don suggested putting together a few of his personal photographs for display on another slide prior to the beginning of the next reunion meeting. It was felt that this was a good suggestion. He will continue to display photos of the colleges and retirees throughout the general meeting. He noted that he had spoken with Shanon Christiansen at the last reunion about Shanon's collection of photos. These will be forwarded to Don who may then choose some to add to those he displays at our reunions.

J. CARE GRANT: Copies of two documents related to the CARE Fund Special Projects Grant Program (Recommendation to CARE Board dated December 17, 2010 and 2011-2012 Application Form) were distributed among attendees. These were discussed, with the President and Board members emphasizing that the new program is to be implemented for a period of two years and that the total grant awards are not to exceed $1,500 per year. After the two-year period the program will be evaluated on its effectiveness.

Sophie, Bill, Isobel, Linda, plus one other Board member, will make up the Selection Committee. Completed forms could be mailed to a Committee member, after which Bill will scan to and distribute them to the Committee by e-mail. President Barde recommended that, rather than placing on website, the forms should be sent to "everyone."

MOTION was made and seconded to approve the Grants Ad Hoc Committee form as amended.

K. President's Report:

1. Nominations for Vacant Board Positions and Changes to Board Roster

(a) In the past an assistant newsletter editor was designated on the Board roster. It was felt that this position is no longer relevant, with Bill stating that the assistance he needs is Board contributions of content for the newsletter.

(b) Glenys Wilson served in the past as Health Benefits Board member. Linda noted that Sharon has taken over some duties in this regard in her designation as District Liaison person. No action was deemed necessary at this time.

(c) MOTION was made and seconded that Chet Rhoan be elected to serve as Vice President of CARE Board.

(d) Heidi Spearer, who served as Newsletter Editor, has indicated her desire to discontinue her service in this capacity due to other obligations and interests that currently require her time and attention. MOTION was made and approved, therefore, to remove Heidi from the Board roster.

L. Next Meeting Date: The next CARE Board meeting is scheduled for July 22, 2011.

M. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 1:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
JoAnne Neu, Secretary


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