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Member Directory

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Join the C.A.R.E. Member Directory


You are invited to join the CARE member E-mail directory so that you will be able to be contacted by other CARE members. 

How to Join

Email ImageTo join the directory, please read the "Terms of Use" below, and then send an E-mail message from your personal E-mail account to directory@care-news.org

In your E-mail message, include:

  1. Your name

  2. This paragraph:
    "I have read the terms of use and accept them. I am sending this E-mail from my personal address and am authorized to receive E-mail there. Please create a CARE address for me, list it in the directory, and forward E-mail from it to my personal address."
    (Copy and paste the above text into your message.)

You will receive a confirming E-mail when your CARE account is set up.

Terms of Use

CARE E-mail addresses may be used only to support members' social interests; all other uses are prohibited. 

CARE E-mail addresses may not be published, sold, or posted on any website.

You must maintain an active personal E-mail account that is able to receive E-mail messages forwarded from your CARE address.  If your personal address changes, you must advise CARE by repeating the join procedure described below.  Once per year, CARE will send a test E-mail to your personal address to verify that it is active; if the test mail cannot be delivered, your CARE account and Directory entry will be deleted.

The service is provided "as is".  CARE makes no commitments regarding timeliness or availability of the service and accepts no liability in the event messages are not delivered or unwanted messages are received.

You may discontinue the forwarding service and be removed from the directory listing at any time.  Just send an E-mail to directory@care-news.org with a request to discontinue.

The service is free to CARE members and is only available to CARE members.

By joining the service, you agree that you understand and accept these terms of use.


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